Friday, January 21, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

I've often thought of starting a blog, but didn't know about what.  I could start a weight loss surgery blog, as I am a very successful bariatric post-op, but there's already a lot of those kinds of blogs out there.  I could write about cooking and baking (I am a HELL of a baker!), but those blogs are a dime a dozen too.   I could write about parenting, but  frankly, I'm not one of those mamby-pamby parents who expounds on the virtues of  "Time-outs" and using "Inside Voices"....I believe in letting my kids be kids, and when they step out of line, we deal with it without pussy-footing around or worrying about damaging our kids' psyches. Besides, there wouldn't be much to write about there anyway, other than 3 or 4 posts a weeks saying I sent someone to their room and took away their video games until they straighten up, or that it cost my oldest $5 in the swear jar this week.   I am however, a lover of music.  I'm a trained singer, though in recent times the only singing I've done has been the occasional Karaoke Night, a couple of local choral groups, and of course my own shower and car.  I have opinions on just about everything I hear on the radio, so I figured perhaps it was time to share those opinions with the world because, you know, it's all about me and what I think. 

I figure a couple of times a week I'll pick a song that I can't get out of my head (or that have been so over-played on the radio that I want to rip my hair out if I hear it one more time) and critique the crap out of it, just because I can, or perhaps I'll rave about something new or something I love that perhaps you haven't heard before. 

I want to know what you think too, so feel free to share your comments back. 

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